Friday, October 3, 2014

Pre-Halloween Outfits!

I'm sure you've seen the new outfits, but if you haven't here they are, along with my review.
So here is the basic overview of all the new outfits... I circled a guy face with a bunch weird colors, because it's new! There is a skull face already on WoozWorld, but this shoes a little bit of skin. If my colors cover the skin showing, then just pull up the Store to look at it.

  Here begins my review, I'm starting left to right...
Today I had people model the outfits, because they were kind of hard to see, just looking at them from the Store
Thanks to BeautifulChaos to modeling the Pumpkie outfit! 
Hair: I actually kinda love this hair! It's not very pumpkin-y, but I think it'll be easy to wear outside of Pre-Halloween. I personally lied the fact they used the Short Side Braid from the Friend-In set, in this new hat. Overall I like it.
Top: This dress is meh. I suppose it can look cute, but not like this... It reminds me of the Easter set- the chick outfit. It's basically that just not virtually fuzzy.
Legs: The legs are okay, but better than the top for sure! I feel like they are very versatile like the hair. If you pair it with something that goes past the hip area then I think it can look pleasant.
Feet: OMG! These shoes are amazing! I love them. The little jack-o-lantern cut out, just makes these shoes so unique! I'm usually not one for shoes, but I can't help myself here! I simply adore these.


Thank you Inokes for modelling this Kattacular outfit!
Hair: This hair seems a bit plain... It doesn't have that extra 'umph' that makes things special. It's just kinda there, .
Top: I L-O-V-E IT! The dress has a cat tail! You can't go wrong with a cat tail! Although, I must say the dress is very similar to the Heartva dress. The skirt part of it is a bit different though.
Legs: They have shorts! Shorts make everything all the better clearly! Only bad thing about these pants is that they already had a skirt with almost the same design, except the fact that it was a skirt.
Shoes: The shoes are pretty good. They resemble the Style Me Up's shoes. They just have that little charm... Beside that I really love these shoes!  

Pumpbro and Katastrope
Note: I don't have male models for these sooo I'm only judging based on their tops. I don't know if the pants have anything extra or not... If you are a boy who would like to model an outfit or both please contact me through messages on WoozWorld... So for now tops and hairs! (I was able to see the shoes for the pumpbro and the jeans for the Kat outfit from male woozens randomly online)
  Hair: The hat is honestly that appealing. It looks stupid in my opinion. It doesn't look good. It's just no. I wish it had some hair peeking out or something.
  Top: I actually really like this shirt! It looks really Pre-Halloween-y! I wish I had more words for it, but I don't..
Shoes: THEY ARE SUPERB! They have unique pumpkin design that gives them that special spark! You could also wear this in November because Pumpkin Pie!!

  Hair: This hood looks pretty good. I like that they have ears, and hair. There isn't a lot to say about this though...
  Top: Like Pumpbro, I really like this shirt! It has the devil eyes, that intrigue me so so much. It has a POP that other sets don't. Also, this shirt can be worn outside of this event, and still look great!
  Pants: These pants are okay. They have a few scratch marks on them, but they are really dull. NOthing really exciting about them..

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